Monday, December 28, 2009

Ok so everyones still acting like I am part of the Movementarians(The religious sect that the Simpsons joined, in case you aren't as weird as me to know that off the top of your head! )

It started when I started going to Bible studies with the American group who come to stay in Templars Hall every summer. They answered so many questions, questions that no teacher or anyone has been able to answer for me.. And they answered them using the Bible AND Science.
If I questioned anything about God before, people just shushed me "God did it now shut up and believe" You know the way Catholics are :P joking!

But, yes I know this might be a bit unbelievable, but God spoke to me.. Not literally but I had 2 strange experiences, it'll sound a bit odd but hear me out =]

Ok so for months I have been seeing the number 123 everywhere, whether it be on the clock, randomly looking at a dvd player and the time being 1:23 or randomly picking up a childrens book that said 123 farm on it. It all kinda freaked me out. (If you are a close friend of mine, you have probably been a witness to at least the time one!)
Then one day, I dropped my Bible onto the table and it fell open to page 123 by itself.. That page itself didn't really have any relevance. I think it was about "how to sacrifice your oxen" or something ...

But that gave me a clue.

So I went through every book of the Bible, to chapters 1:23 and 12:3 ..
and I found three random verses that fit together and made a message.

Proverbs1:23 Come and listen to my counsel.I’ll share my heart with you and make you wise.

Colossians1:23 But you must continue to believe this truth and stand firmly in it. Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News.

Hebrews 12:3 Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won’t become weary and give up.

That says to me "Come to me and I will make you wise, keep believing and remember the Good News and when you grow weary think of what Jesus went through and your problems will seem minimal"

And after watching The Passion of the Christ and reading what He did go through for us, I cry even thinking about it!

THEN, I went upstairs to get a notebook to write down a prayer, because I hadn't become accustomed to praying out loud and a calendar that my mom gave me fell down off the shelf and it had a Bible quote about faith on it, and it said "Read Hebrews chapter 11" on it. So I did.
And it was all about the great efforts made by people in the past to keep their faith, and of the wonderful rewards for those who keep their faith.
And that was it for me! :)

Most of you can't accept that this is what I believe now, after me not having beliefs before..
But I've yelled at a bunch of people saying
"When exactly have you been in my head and seen what I really believe?!"
And they said "I suppose...but..." and still don't agree that I believe in Jesus, and what He did, of my own free will.

Nobody TOLD me I had to believe in God. That if I didn't, I couldn't leave the little room where I was tied up. *rolls eyes*

Contrary to popular belief, that is not what happened. What I said before is what happened.

And if you are still a naysayer, saying that I am brainwashed then just leave me alone and keep your ideas that I collect beans in the shape of Jesus. (another Simpsons reference if you didn't get that.)

I'll still love you anyways. And so will God.

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